先付? 後付?先付? 後付?“預付方案”終於上了美國市場, 消費者總是想以最少的價格, 不用綁約 1-2年, 又可以的到該有的服務, 經濟不景氣, 年輕族群對價格的敏感度高, 對信貸的敏略度結婚高, 均採用預付方案, 如果預付方案盛行於美國, 當然對消費者有好處多多. The prepaid cell phone market has finally hit the U.S. in a big way as economically strapped 關鍵字廣告consumers flock to inexpensive pay-as-you-go services. The result will likely mean that big cell phone providers may be forced to slash prices on contract service plans 禮服to keep consumers from defecting.Prepaid cell phones have finally hit the U.S. , meaning wireless providers may slash prices on service plans.This is good news for 個人信貸consumers, who could see lower prices on both prepaid and post-paid service plans. But it is very bad news for cell phone operators, which make more money from their 褐藻醣膠post paid customers than they do from prepaid customers.Prepaid cell phone plans, which have been very popular in Europe and other parts of the world for several years, 售屋網allow consumers to buy a phone at full retail price, without committing to a contract, and pay for service in advance. By contrast, post-paid services require consumers 太平洋房屋to sign a one- to two- year service contract, and their usage is billed on a monthly basis. In exchange for signing a contract, wireless operators often subsidize the 房地產cost of the phone.For years, the post-paid business model has dominated the U.S. cell phone market, providing strong growth for U.S. wireless operators. Meanwhile, the 借貸prepaid market in the U.S. has been largely left to consumers who are young, price-sensitive, or considered credit risks. 澎湖民宿

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